Ten Days of Prayer Challenge

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Ten Days of Prayer Challenge

As the 10 Days of Prayer draws to an end, am sure you will agree with me it has been soul refreshing. The communal prayers of Sunday, Wednesday and Friday night have been a means of drawing us closer to each other but more importantly closer to God. 

Last night, we especially prayed for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and thanked God for it. Through His Soirit we are now imbued to take up the outreach challenge associated with the 10 Days of Prayer - "Everyone can do something to hasten Jesus' coming through total member involvement."

We can all do this. God has given each of us a  gift to be used in his service. Not sure what yours is? Come out today and hear Dr. Maitland expound on "Spititual Gifts." We owe it to ourselves and God. He is an Awesome Loving God. He woke us up this morning inspite of ourselves who have caused Him so much pain through our selfish desires and deeds. Yet He loves and cares for us. 

Let us discover and use our Spiritual Gifts as the disciples of old, so that thousands may be reached for the Kingdom of God. Be blessed

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