Using Your Spiritual Gifts

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Using Your Spiritual Gifts

Yesterday, we were instructed by Dr. Maitland on how to identify our spiritual gifts and challenged to use them in service to the Master. Some are still wondering how to start. The 10 Days of Prayer Outreach Challenge is an excellent place to begin this journey.  Below is recap of some opportunities identified. Also keep that close communion with God active.... we should pray unceasingly.

"Choose one or several activities, choose a day, and be the hands and feet of Jesus. As you work to organize everything, avoid letting these arrangements distract you from praying. “Personal effort for others should be preceded by much secret prayer; for it requires great wisdom to understand the science of saving souls. Before communicating with men, commune with Christ. At the throne of heavenly grace obtain a preparation for ministering to the people” (Prayer, p. 313).

We have prepared a list of ways you can help others. Choose whatever fits the needs of the people you are going to serve. Feel free to do something that it is not listed.

- Cook a meal for someone who has been sick.
- Invite a neighbor/co-worker to a social gathering.
- Give food to a homeless person.
- Donate clothing that you would want donated to you.
- "Adopt” an elderly person. Visit the person on a regular basis and help with chores, shopping, cooking, or garden work.
- Bake some bread and share a loaf with a neighbor.
- Help with neighborhood projects.
- Offer to stay with a sick or disabled person so their caretakers can run an errand.
- Participate in neighborhood projects.
- Introduce yourself to a new neighbor by taking them a meal. Make them feel welcome in the neighborhood.
- Buy groceries and deliver them to a needy family.
- Donate your old eyeglasses.
- Offer to give a Bible study.
- Visit people in nursing homes.
- Give some “food” money to a student.
- Collect clothing for the needy. You might start a clothes closet at your church for sharing with those in need.
- Donate your old laptop or other electronics.
- Donate a used car.
- Organize a “Health Expo."
- Send a card to a shut-in.
- Organize an evangelistic series.
- Call your neighbors and ask how they’re doing.
- Give someone a book you think they’d like.
- Pass out GLOW tracts (available to order here: or Sis Evelyn Daniel).
- Invite someone to accept Jesus.
- Hold a cooking school.
- Do the “28 Literature Project.” In Week One, give away one book. Week Two, give away two books. Week Three, give away three books. Continue until you have given away 28 books.
- Take some food to someone who has lost a loved one.
- Visit someone in the hospital to encourage them or help them in some way.
- Read to an elderly person.
- Visit a children’s home and offer your help to the staff.
- Start a sewing/knitting/crocheting group to make clothes for those in need.
- Read the Bible aloud for someone who can’t see or read.
- Host a youth night at your home.
- Volunteer at a shelter for abused persons.
- Donate some books to a children’s home or shelter.
- Take children from your church to visit a home for elderly people. Present a program for them.
- Plan and host a fun day for special needs kids and their families.
- Have a community clean-up day.
- Start a health club in your church. Invite friends and neighbors.
- Ask someone if they would like to join you in watching a DVD with a spiritual message. As you watch together, pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to the person’s heart.
- Design your own project.

For more resources on witnessing, visit

Read the full text at


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