‌ The Miracle On The Hudson

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‌ The Miracle On The Hudson

Whilst on a plane a few years ago, I watched the movie called “The Miracle on the Hudson,”  about how a pilot successfully landed a plane on the Hudson River in New York. All the passengers survived. A news reporter asked one of the passengers what was going through his mind. He was wet, cold and shaking, but he also appeared excited, when he said, “I was alive before, but now I’m really alive.” This made me ask myself the question, “am I really alive?”

 What about you? Are you excited about your life? Do you get up every morning with enthusiasm, are you pursuing dreams and desires? God doesn’t want you to just “be alive” or just exist or endure. He wants you to be really alive.

Today, God has something more for you to accomplish. It doesn’t matter how miserable and gloomy life may seem, pinch yourself and say - I’m really alive. Now get excited about what God is doing! Lift up your eyes of faith to Him. Keep hoping, keep believing, keep trusting and keep living, because God has a wonderful plan in store for you!

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

(John 10:10, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for making me alive in Christ! Father, the enemy tried everything to destroy me, but this morning I’m not just living, I’m really alive in Jesus’ Name. I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can be excited about the abundant life He has for me. God, please help me stay focused, and live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Radio broadcast

Join me tonight on my prayer on the line Radio broadcast @ 8pm on www.adventistradio.london a program of miracles. If you have a prayer request please leave in the comment box. you can also join me @ Hope SDA Church south London UK @ 11am where I will be speaking on "it's time to go deeper" Then @ 4:30pm where we address issues related to young men. Please don't miss the ray of hope show on www.adventistradio.london on Sunday @ 10am-12noon for greatest gospel music, prayer and some real talk. This week we will be dealing with issues related to young women.

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