New Year’s Message From the Pastor

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New Year’s Message From the Pastor

The advent of the New Year is a great time to reflect on the 365 days that has passed. The new year affords an opportunity to appreciate all the good things that we have experienced in 2021 and reflect on what we might have done differently with the benefit of hindsight. I think you would agree with me, however, that 2021 has been a difficult year for all of us; for many of us had settled into the disruptive “new normal”, when the Omicron mutation of the Corona virus further destabilized our everyday life all over again! Many families have been affected, and everybody now knows someone, or have been personally infected by this virus. It is really infectious. The disruption to our lives has been pervasive; jobs have been lost, relationships have been interfered with, our health has suffered. The disruptive nature of the pandemic has brought a bleakness and a cloud that just seems to hang over us. The isolation of “social distancing”, and the wearing of masks has created a mental anguish that many could not imagine pre-February 2020, and has brought into sharp focus that we need each other; that we thrive best in community relationships.

As we face the uncertainty of 2022, I want to encourage you with the Word found in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” KJV The move of God in our lives increases our capacity to grow in all aspects of our lives. There is no mountain to high, no valley to deep and wide, no circumstance that we cannot conquer or traverse. Our God is bigger than our circumstance! The experiences of the past two years have equipped us and positioned us for victories that will transport us to the vistas of God’s glory even while we live on this earth. I pray for each one of you a Happy and Blessed 2022.


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